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Booking Quotas

With booking quotas, a quantity/duration/amount of a resource can be allocated once or repeatedly, limited to a certain period of time.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over 7 months ago

What are booking quotas?

Booking quotas are linked to subscriptions, communities, booking codes and booking bundles, allowing you to allocate a quantity, duration, or budget of resources on a one-off or recurring basis, limited to a specific period.



Determines a quantity, regardless of the value and duration of a booking

Example: You offer a yoga course and your customers are free to decide how many times they can participate. Select the quantity and the value 10. Limit the use to your yoga course and save the new booking quota.


The duration determines the total duration across one or more bookings; this setting is independent of the monetary amount of the booking(s) and the number of bookings. The duration can be set in minutes, hours, or days.

Example: As a university, the duration of use of certain study spaces should be limited. Select Duration and enter the desired value. Link the desired resource or resources here.


The budget can be used to adjust the total value of the booking(s) in the contingent.

Example: Your employees should only receive a certain budget for a resource for catering. To do this, use the Budget tab and enter the monetary value. Here too, one or more specific resources can be linked to the desired booking quota.

One time vs. recurring quota:

One time quota:

Set a one time quota, once it is allocated and used up, it will not be replenished or renewed.

Example welcome bonus in the subscription plan: Create a one time quota and link it to a subscription to offer your customers a starter bonus, here it is up to you whether you link a quantity, duration, or budget to the quota:

Recurring quota:

A recurring quota is automatically renewed at a predetermined period, remaining quota is not carried over to the next period at the end of the period. To create a recurring quota, select Recurring and specify the renewal period in days, weeks, months, or years.

Example monthly meeting room quota: Create a recurring contingent, define quantity/duration/budget, select Recurring, now you can adjust the period and limitation

Pro tip: If the value of a recurring quota is to be adjusted, you can specify whether all previously issued quotas should be affected by this change. Quotas are issued for the next 12 months when they are created.

Take note: A quota cannot be changed from single to multiple or in the other vise versa after saving; a new quota would have to be created.

Limiting the quota:

Usage can be limited to a category, a group, a resource, or a service; limits can also be combined with each other.

Quotas with subscriptions and communities

In the detailed view of the subscription plan/community, you can also select several quotas and link them or create new ones as in the previous steps. You can find more information about communities and subscriptions here.

Booking quotas in the customer overview

All quotas for a specific customer can be viewed and edited in the customer 's detailed view:

The table shows validity, usage, and issuance date (for recurring quotas there is an entry for each period up to 12 months)

In the customer detail view, you can click on New+ to add your own booking quotas for the respective customer and tailor them to the customer; the organization name is then displayed under "Granted through". A customer's existing quotas can be revoked via the three dots, or their value can be edited.

Pro tip: When an order is placed, the quota that contains the date of the booking is always used, not the date of the order.

Booking using quotas

After selecting the date and period, the quotas are displayed. On the circle, the quotas that have already been used are shown in gray and the costs of the current booking are shown in blue. By clicking on the arrow, the customer can select which quota is to be used for the booking.

Limit services and resources with quotas

Under Resource > Settings > Verification & Access or
Service > Edit > Access > Requires booking quotas, resources, and services can also be restricted to payment with quotas only. You can find the resource and service overview here.


  • As an admin, where can I see the quotas and remaining credit?
    On the invoice, on the customer, the subscription, and the booking code (each on the detail page).

Good To Know:

Would you like to link booking codes? Then read this article.

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