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Orders and bookings: An overview
Orders and bookings: An overview

Learn more about the booking and ordering tables, as well as the detail pages.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

Bookings and orders are not the same!

Each booking belongs to one order and one order can contain several bookings.

Order overview

In the Orders section you will find a table view with all your orders. General information is visible at first glance.

The table is sorted by: Order number, customer name, order total, payment status, order date. An order usually always contains at least one booking and can be clearly assigned to a customer. As soon as a customer books one or more of your resources, an order is created.

Using the three dots (...) at the end of an order line you can call some actions to change the status of the order, download an order confirmation or notify the customer (again) by mail.

An order can have the following statuses:

  • Draft

    To finalize the order, you need to add any missing information and then send the invoice.

  • Open

    The invoice has been successfully sent to the customer, but it has not been paid yet.

  • Successful

    The customer has paid the invoice and the order is completed.

  • Cancelled

    The order has been cancelled by one of the parties.

The Draft status also appears for orders that are still in the shopping cart and reserved. In this case, no customer is assigned yet and you cannot edit the order yet.

Search orders

Above the table there is the search field.

Here you can enter various information to filter the order list by appropriate characteristics. The search supports the characteristics order number, customer name, e-mail, and company.

The order list is filtered as you type, so it will help you even if you only know part of the customer's name, for example.

By clicking on the column name you can sort the order data in ascending or descending order. The system is based on the selected column.

In the upper right corner above the table you can find the two buttons Export and Filter.

Filter orders

With a click on Filter a filter mask opens. You can customize it as you like.

In the line above the calendar you will find some quick filter options. Alternatively, you can click on two dates in the calendar below to configure the date filter.

Using the Status option you can filter for a specific order status.

Using the two buttons below you can either apply your selected filters or reset the filter.

Export Orders

By clicking Export (top right above the table) you can export your filtered order data to different formats:

  • CSV file

  • Excel file

After clicking on the desired option, a pop-up will inform you whether your export request was successful.

If the request was successful, you will receive - depending on the number of records - an email to your registered email address a few moments later. This contains a download link to your export file.

Note: For data protection reasons, we do not send sensitive customer data by e-mail.

Pro Tip:

You can generate automatic exports within your export overview under orders. These will be sent to you on request. You can find detailed instructions here:

Order detail page

Order summary

The order summary contains the most important information about an order.

It contains the customer's name, and the link on the customer's name will take you to their customer summary. It also includes the total amount of the order and the status.

Booking overview

The Bookings tab contains an overview of all bookings linked to the order and the most important information about them.

These are listed in tabular form. By clicking on one of the column names you can control the sorting. With the three dots (...) on the right you can open the context menu and confirm, reject, cancel, duplicate the booking, resend the corresponding mail or delete the booking.

Once deleted, bookings cannot be restored. No email will be sent to the customer. So if you just want to cancel bookings, use the Cancel option so that your customer is informed about it.

Pro Tip:

You can generate automatic exports within your export overview under bookings. These will be sent to you on request. You can find detailed instructions here:


We automatically generate an invoice template for you to make your accounting easier. The use of this invoice is optional.

To send an invoice, check the data and add necessary fields.

This is usually only the field number. Here you just need to insert the invoice number.

Before sending the invoice, you can use the right half of the input mask to adjust the services to be invoiced or enter additional services (+ Add entry), if desired.

Afterwards you can use the Send now button to automatically notify your customer about the new invoice.

Invoices update automatically with each change of a contained entry. If you want to resend an invoice, you can select this under the context menu. There you can also download the invoice as a PDF.

Bookings overview

In the bookings section you will find a table view with all your bookings. General information is visible at first glance.

The table is sorted by: Booking number, booking description, customer name, booking option, resource, period, total and status.

A booking is always uniquely assigned to an order and above it to a customer. As soon as a customer books one or more of your resources, an order is created with the corresponding bookings.

Using the three dots (...) at the end of a booking you can call some actions to change the status of the booking or to notify the customer again by mail.

Search bookings

Above the table you will find the search field.

Here you can enter various information to filter the list of bookings by the corresponding characteristics. The search supports the features booking number, description, customer, email, and company.

The booking list is filtered as you type, so it will help you even if you only know part of the customer's name, for example.

By clicking on the column name you can sort the order data in ascending or descending order. The system is based on the selected column.

On the top right above the table you will find the three buttons New +, Export and Filter.

Create new booking manually

Clicking on New + (top right above the table) first opens a dropdown where you have to select whether you want to create a booking or a blocker for a resource. Depending on your selection, a corresponding input mask will open.

Create blocker

Now you can insert the basic information of your new blocker. For this purpose, you need to enter a time window and the resource to be blocked.

With a click on Save you get to the booking details page. But more about that later.

Create booking

Selecting the menu item Create booking in the dropdown menu under New + opens the input mask for a new booking. Mandatory fields are marked with *.

First select the resource and the service for which you want to create a booking. Then select the date in the calendar view and finally the start and end time in the fields below.

With a click on Switch to free time selection you get the possibility to select a time via a slightly modified input mask, which is not available for customers, for example because it is already fully booked.

The Switch to guided time selection option takes you back to the first view.

Via the button Create order and Link customer you can link the booking to be created directly to an already existing order or customer.

First select whether it is a new or an existing order. If it is a new order, you can search for a customer in the field below.

If the system doesn't find a customer, you can create a new customer in no time and the system will take over the entry from the search field for the first and last name fields directly. The remaining customer data can be added.

Using the checkbox Notify customer you can control whether the customer should be informed about the newly created booking by mail.

With a click on Save the booking (and depending on it also the order and the customer) is created and you get to the booking details page.

Booking details page

Booking details

In the left box you can see all relevant information about the booking and you can adjust the booked time, the booked resource and the booked service. Also the information of the customer is shown and can be edited.

You can't create a new customer or assign the booking to another customer, but only change the existing customer data.

Further down you can record notes about the booking and see a change log for the booking, in which it is recorded who has changed the booking and how.

To the right of this is a calendar view, which can also be used to edit the booking. The booking can be moved as desired using drag-and-drop. The length of the booking can be adjusted by dragging the borders up or down. With a click in the middle of the booking you can add or remove a pre- or post-processing time.

Additional options

At the bottom of the page you will find the options Add option and Add resource. Add option allows you to add additional bookable options defined in the service settings.

Add resource can be used to map multi-resource bookings defined in the service settings.

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