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Booking Series

Booking series allow you to offer several connected bookings, which can only be booked together.

Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

What is a Booking Series?

The booking series feature offers you a flexible and effective way to plan and manage courses and events over a longer period of time. Use the booking series feature to organize and manage your courses efficiently.

Use Case:

A yoga studio offers a class on Mondays from 6-7 p.m. over a 10-week period. The customer can register for all course dates in the series with a single click.

Where do I set it up?

  1. Click on Resources on the left side of the list

  2. Select the desired resource in the list view

  3. Click on booking option / services

  4. Now use the “Edit” option

  5. Now select series

How do you create a booking series?

Setting up series bookings is very simple: You specify the time period and the interval in which the appointments should take place.

anny automatically generates the appointments based on the times you specify. Your customers can now book all appointments of this series with one booking. You have the choice:

1) Regular courses

For regular courses, you can schedule two different courses in the same resource. The availability of the resource is taken into account. The solution is to combine the schedule of the service / booking option with the series. Tip: remember to activate Service availability in your account settings.

2) Irregular courses

For irregular courses, you can assign an irregular schedule on the resource. Your series will then access these irregular schedules. The availability settings will be applied to the service in both cases.

As a last step, you specify the period in which the appointments take place. Now you get all the desired appointments displayed directly, and you can click save in the bottom right corner.


A course with 10 sessions from the beginning of September till October has been created. This series takes place regularly and can be booked by 10 people.

Cancellation of a Booking Series

There are 3 options to cancel a Booking Series:

Cancel a single appointment

Only one specific appointment in the series will be canceled without affecting the rest of the appointments.

Cancel the current and all following appointments

Cancel a specific, and all subsequent appointments.

Cancel the entire series

The only option where the cancellation conditions are applied.

The clients' perspective:

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